书法如何赏析 |
添加时间:2018/9/1 16:28:33 浏览次数: |
How to appreciate calligraphy
好的书法必须具备: 1.气韵生动 。书法作品多采用墨汁书写,色泽鲜亮而又沉着,干湿浓淡的丰富变化又会产生生动的墨韵,使书法线条的表现更加传神。所以如何用笔用墨就成为书法家终身追求把握的基本功和审美的关键。古代书法家总结出一整套用笔、用墨的原则和方法。比如执笔要以意念带肩,肩带肘,腕竖掌平,五指齐力,力注笔尖,这样写出的线条才能达到有力而不浮滑。书写笔画要藏头护尾,逆入平出,中锋用笔等等,这样笔画才能达到匀实遒劲而不妄生圭角,产生诸如"柴担"、"蜂腰"、"鹤膝"等病笔。用墨要浓而不滞,清而不弱,水墨相渗,达到墨分五色的生动表现。总之好的书法作品都灌注了作者"精、气、神",体现出气韵生动的高超的艺术境界。 2.形和意的合一 汉字以象形和会意为造字的基础,每个单独的字都是古人创造的写意的造型艺术作品。例如:"德"字表示"道德、品德"的意思。分别由象形的"心"和"目"组在一起形成的会意字,从"目"上的直线表示视线,这个字以造型的方 式喻示了词义,德不是外在于人的行为规范,而是心的道德自觉,由心灵的窗户眼 睛里流露出来的正直的目光中可感受到的品质。这样书法家在书写这个字时,就会感受到写意绘画的美感享受,把这种绘画感受造型和书法造型感受结合起来就是完整的形意结合的书法感受。
Good calligraphy must have 1.: vivid and lively. Calligraphy works are mostly written in ink, bright and calm color, dry and wet rich changes will produce a vivid ink rhyme, so that the performance of calligraphic lines more vivid. Therefore, how to use pen to use ink has become the basic skill and aesthetic key of a calligrapher's lifelong pursuit. Ancient calligraphers summed up a whole set of principles and methods of using pen and ink. For example, the pen should be with the idea of shoulder, shoulder elbow, wrist erect palm flat, five fingers together, force note the tip of the pen, so that the lines can be strong and not smooth. Writing strokes should cover the head and guard the tail, head in and out, center with a pen and so on, so that the strokes can reach a smooth and vigorous, and do not give birth to a standard angle, such as "firewood load", "bee waist", "crane knee" and other diseases. The ink should be thick but not sluggish, clear and not weak, and ink and ink will permeate to achieve a vivid expression of five colors. In short, good calligraphy works are infused with the author's "spirit, spirit, embodies the vivid and superb artistic realm. 2. The unity of form and meaning is based on the hieroglyphic and ideographic characters. Each individual character is a freehand plastic work created by the ancients. For example, "Virtue" means "morality and morality". The symbolic characters formed by the pictographic "heart" and "eye" together represent the line of sight from the "eye" line. The word implies the meaning of the word in a plastic way. Virtue is not external to human behavior, but the moral consciousness of the heart, which can be felt in the eyes of the spiritual window. In this way, when calligraphers write this word, they will feel the aesthetic enjoyment of freehand brushwork painting. Combining this feeling of painting with that of calligraphy is a complete combination of form and meaning. |
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