油画花卉怎么画? |
添加时间:2017/9/18 17:25:27 浏览次数: |
不同花有不同的画法,而不同生长期的花卉和光线不同的场景下的花卉又会有不同的绘画技巧。但是大致的花卉油画的画法是: Different flowers have different ways of painting, and different flowers and different kinds of flowers will have different painting skills. But the general method of flower painting is: 首先起好大体轮廓后,涂上暗色的背景,留出花的部位。主要是为了形成对比色的原因。 First of all, after the outline, paint a dark background and set aside the flowers. The main reason is to form a contrast color. 然后根据半球体结构受光、背光的色彩转化规律,概括地区分出总的体面关系。 Then, according to the light and backlight color transformation rule of the hemispheroid structure, the general region is divided into the total decent relationship. 花卉要与其的背景相接应的同时又要充分的体现出花卉的透明感。 Flowers should be connected with the background of the flowers, but also fully reflect the transparency of flowers. 在绘画花卉油画时,要抓住几个对表现体积与动态有决定性作用的典型的花瓣,从而更加准确的、肯定的画出其基本形体和形态,而对一般花瓣暂不必一一描绘。 In painting painting flowers, want to grab a few has decisive effect to volume and dynamic of typical petals, thus more accurate, must draw the basic form and form, and for general petals temporarily don't describe one by one. 最后还需要调整一下花卉油画的整体关系,进一步充实亮部、灰部、暗部的形体结构和色彩变化,然后描绘重点花瓣的细节,使画面更加完善甚至是完美。 Finally also need to adjust the flower painting the overall relationship, further enrich the light, the ash, the shape and structure of shadow and color changes, and then focus on the details of the petals, make the picture better and even perfect. |
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