历代名家国画梅花图欣赏 |
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梅兰菊竹”为传统“四君子”文人画表现题材,在中国绘画史上占有重要地位。梅属乔木,凌寒独开,君子比德,香沁大干,为文人雅士和人民大众所喜爱。育梅、咏梅、画梅、艺梅等爱梅文化活动,形成梅花文化艺术。宋代王安石咏梅名句“遥知不是雪,为有暗香来”和元代王冕题画《墨梅》“不要人夸好颜色,只留清气满乾坤”,充分表现了人们对梅花象征的高尚品格的崇敬爱戴的情怀。 The theme of the traditional "four gentlemen" of literati painting is an important part in Chinese painting history. The plum tree, ling cold alone, the gentleman bede, xiangqin da gan, for the literati and the people popular. Yumei, yongmei, painting may, yimei and other aimee cultural activities, forming plum flower culture and art. Song dynasty wang anshi xu mei: "the distance is not snow, for a fragrance" and the yuan dynasty tiara topic painting "MoMei" "don't people boast a good color, fresh air only man qiankun", fully shows the character of the plum flower symbol worship love feelings. 梅花诗意图 宋 岩叟(待考) Poetry of plum blossom song dynasty (waiting for an exam) 图中画盛开的梅花,树干上墨书有“岩叟”二字。此图运笔道劲有力,构图疏密有致,枝条穿插,富有韵味,具扬补之遗法,为补之传派中上乘之作。 In the picture, the plum blossom is in full bloom, and the ink on the trunk is the word "rock sou". This chart is powerful and powerful, with a clear composition, interspersed with branches, a rich charm, and a new method of replenishing. 梅鹊图轴 宋 沈子蕃 Plum magpie chart of song shen zibo 此图轴丝质,依画稿缂织。以十五六种色丝装的小梭代笔,巧妙搭配,画面色泽和谐。以“通经断纬”的手法缂织,并娴熟地运用了多种缂丝技法。所用丝线之经密度20根/cm,纬密度44-46根/cm,精工细密。此缂丝图很好地体现了原画稿疏朗古朴的意趣,画面生动,清丽,典雅,是沈子蕃为数不多的存世作品之一,也是南宋时期缂丝工艺杰出的代表作。 This picture axis silk, according to the drawing. The small spindle that is in 15-6 color silk, clever collocation, the picture colour and lustre harmony. Using the technique of "broken weft", a variety of techniques are used. The density of the silk thread is 20 / cm, the weft density is 44-46 root/cm, and the precision is fine. The k 'o-ssu figure well embodies the CGS shu lang the interest of of primitive simplicity, image vivid, beautiful, elegant, Shen Zifan is one of the few one of his works, also is the southern song dynasty period k 'o-ssu technology outstanding representative works. 梅竹寒禽图 宋 林椿 Plum bamboo cold bird tusong song 此图写红梅翠竹,残雪未消,寒雀刷羽枝头,神态生动。竹梅为双钩填彩,而雀则用细毫写羽毛,写实逼真。 This picture is red plum bamboo, the snow is not dissipation, cold finches brush feather branches, the manner is vivid. The bamboo plum is a double hook for the color, and the finches use the fine detail to write the feather, realistic and realistic. 春消息图 元代 邹复雷 Spring news of the yuan dynasty 图绘老梅新枝,蓓蕾竞绽,喧闹热烈的气氛宣告春天来临的消息,动人心魄。画家以劲健和时带飞白的笔触皴写粗干,梅花画法奇特,既非用笔点染,亦非用线钩勒,而用绢卷或线团蘸墨点成。作者以特写镜头截取画面,擅用疏与密、繁与简、直与曲等对比手法布局,笔势遒劲奔放,墨色浓淡参差,境界幽雅淡逸,是古代墨梅画的杰作。 The picture paints a new branch of the old plum tree, buds in the bud, and a noisy and warm atmosphere announces the coming of spring. The painter USES the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the stroke of the brushstroke of the stroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke of the brushstroke. Close-up shot to capture the picture, the author make free with thin and dense, complex and Jane, straight and curve contrast methods such as layout, a handwriting flourish is bold and unrestrained, inky shade varies, quiet and tastefully laid out and light escape, is the masterpiece of ancient MoMei painting. 墨梅图 元代 王冕 The yuan dynasty crown of mo metu 此图梅枝横斜而出,枝条简疏。枝节交叉处梅花竞相吐蕊开放,表现了王冕野梅的清绝韵致。笔墨精练蕴藉,主干以淡墨挥洒,浓墨点苔,苍古老拙。分枝以中锋勾撇,挺拔坚韧。 The tumee branches cross and the branches are sparse. The plum blossom at the branch of the branch blossomed and opened, showing wang's qing dynasty. Pen and ink essence, the main trunk with light ink, thick ink dot moss, old and old. Branches are drawn by center and tough. 烟笼玉树图 明代 陈录 The Ming dynasty of the smoke cage yushu 此幅构图别致,布局豪纵奇崛,气象峥嵘而清劲可爱。枝干纵横,以墨笔皴写,湿笔中又呈飞白,枯健如蟠龙虬曲,再横点重墨,更显苍老道劲。枝梢俏利,而嫩枝又笔直上伸,上下呼应。繁花散于嫩枝之间,只用简洁的双钩,千斛万蕊,冷艳寒香便扑面而来。妙在一缕烟雾横遮梅梢,更添隽拨清逸之致。 This composition is unique, the layout of high and vertical, the weather is clear and strong and lovely. The branches are horizontal, with ink strokes, the wet pen is also white, the dead jian is like a dragon song, and the horizontal point heavy ink, more obvious old road strength. Shoot the tip of the tree, and the shoots straight up and down, and up and down. The flowers scattered between the tender branches, only the simple double hook, the dendrobium, the cold and the cold and fragrant. In a wisp of smoke and the plum trees, more to add to the qing dynasty. 万玉图 明代 陈录 Wan yutu Ming dynasty Chen 此图写倒垂梅一株,枝由右上角出,主干弧形弯曲,构成梅枝总的动势。小枝则有穿插、变化,形成枝蕊参差交错、俯仰顾盼,梅花烂漫怒放的景象,图中以没骨写干,双钩圈花,淡墨渲染背景,突出千条万玉、花团锦簇的视觉的效果。 This graph is to write the plum tree, the branch is in the upper right hand corner, the main trunk curved, form the general electromotive force of the plum branch. Twigs are interspersed with, change, to form the branch rui look around jagged crisscross, pitch, the scene of a plum flower blossoming in full bloom diagram with no bone dry, double flowers, light ink rendering background, outstanding article one thousand Wan Yu blossoms, visual effect. 梅花图 明代 陈录 Plum blossom picture Ming dynasty 这幅梅花图与画家的《万玉图》有异曲同二之妙,但在气势上更觉恢宏。此图梅干自左出,倒垂而下,分为二枝,一枝弯曲直下,一直平伸出画面,但细枝侧条全取披垂之势,与总的动势保持一致。画面上繁花密蕊、璎珞纷呈,千条万玉,扑面而来。构图上将主干分散从而强调密如万玉的花朵本身的美感,有一种喜气洋洋的氛围,体现了画家躬逢明王朝“盛世”,而“借花献佛”,以写“梅花得意羡群芳”的心情,从而少了王冕画梅之中的那种孤傲和清雅之气。 This plum flower diagram and the artist's "wan yutu" have a different song, but are more magnificent in the momentum. This tumedry from left, down and down, divided into two branches, one bent straight down, straight out of the picture, but the fine branches of the whole drape, in line with the total momentum. The picture is full of flowers and flowers, wreaths and wreaths, and a thousand pieces of jade. Main composition will be scattered to stress the aesthetic feeling of flowers of thick as Wan Yu itself, there is a jubilant atmosphere, embodies the painter meet the Ming dynasty "time", and "we", in order to write the mood of "the plum blossom in envy queens, thus less tiara picture of mei qi the aloof and elegant. 梅竹图 明代 孙克弘 Meizhutu Ming dynasty sun khonghong 此图以较工整细致的笔法画一枝梅花与一丛翠竹,从一角斜出,垂曳于清溪之上。构图疏秀有致,梅枝盘折曲伸,指向扇面款识,使整个画面得到统一。 The picture is drawn from a corner of a piece of bamboo, which is drawn from the corner of the stream. The composition of the picture shows a good result, with the folding and stretching of plum branches, pointing to the fan face, so as to unify the whole picture. 墨梅图轴 明 王谦 Mo metutu axis Ming wang qian 图绘老梅一折,虬干挺拔,枝干挺枝,枝干交错,颇有气势。枝头繁花怒放,一片生机。用笔雄健,墨色浑厚,粗细相间,疏密有致。有曹莹、缪朴、王麟三人题诗,左侧自识“钱塘王牧之为文敏指挥使写”,钤“牧之”印,另一印模糊难辩。 The picture painted old plum, with its branches, branches and branches. The branches are blooming and blooming. Using a pen, the ink is thick and thick, thick and thin. There are cao ying, miao pu, and wang Lin in the poem, the left side of the "qian tong wang is the command of wen min", the "mu zhi" of the bell, another ambiguous difficult argument. 雪梅鸳鸯图 明 王醴 Yuanyang of xuemei, wang li2 图绘雪景寒江,两只鸳鸯站岸边梳理羽毛。一株老梅,枝条繁茂,花开带雪,分外妖娆。雪竹挺立,小雀瑟栖于上。鸳鸯造型优美,色墨交融;梅树用笔老辣,用墨焦重,梅花清新淡雅,整个背景以淡墨渲染,留白以表雪意。 Picture painted snow scene cold river, two yuanyang station to comb feather. An old plum, the branches are flourishing, the flower opens with snow, the outside enchanting. Snow bamboo stand erect, small finches perch on top. The mandarin ducks are beautifully shaped and blended in color; Plum tree is used in the old and spicy, with ink focus heavy, plum blossom fresh and quietly elegant, the whole background with light ink rendering, white to watch snow. 水仙茶梅图 清 姜泓 The narcissus tea mei tuqing jiang hong 此画中写水仙与茶、梅三友相为呼应,梅枝上一小鸟正跃跃欲飞。构图奇妙,梅枝斜伸而下,另有一短枝取向上之势。以淡墨点染出山石,水仙、茶树用工笔细加勾画,而花冠及梅花皆以粉色由外及内的渲染,间点丹红,色泽淡雅脱俗,气韵流动。山雀用笔筒略,造型却准确生动。 In this painting, daffodil is the echo of tea and meimei, and a bird on the plum branch is leaping to fly. The composition is wonderful, the plum branches are inclined to reach down, and a short branch of the potential. With the light ink spot to dye the rocks, the narcissus, the tea tree with the brush strokes, and the corolla and the plum blossom are all in pink from the outside and the inside rendering, the point is red, the color is elegant and refined, the air flow. The titmouse USES a small stroke, but the shape is accurate and vivid. 早春图 清 杨晋 Early spring picture qing Yang 此画写二株老梅枝干曲虬盘折,枝头新花绽放;奇石之旁新篁枝叶灵秀,水仙盛开,灵芝仙草长于山石之上。全图结构紧凑讲究,繁密而不沉冗。树干山石皆以淡墨晕染,以小斧劈皴、横皴等点染,以浓墨点苔。水仙用白描双钩手法绘出,隽秀淡雅;梅花则以墨线勾画,错落纷呈。画面虽未设色,却将初春的盎然生机尽于笔端描出。 This picture is to write two old plum branches of the old plum branches, the new flowers blossoming; Near the stone of the new green, the green light, the daffodils are in full bloom, the ganoderma is longer than the rocks. The whole structure is compact, dense and not heavy. The tree trunk is stained with light ink, with small axes, chaining, and so on, with thick mossy. The daffodils are drawn with a white stroke and a subtle elegance. The plum blossom is sketched in ink and strewn at random. Although the picture has not set color, but the exuberant vitality of the early spring to the stroke of stroke. 梅花绶带图 清代 沈铨 The ribbon of plum blossom is qing dynasty 此图写寒梅怒放,一绶带鸟栖于枝上,另有一小雀在其下方啾啾呜叫。梅枝曲折,由墨笔勾出,淡墨皴染,梅花由铅白点染,晶莹剔透。绶带鸟及小雀刻画细致入微,一丝不苟,有北宋黄筌之意韵。 This picture is a cold plum, a bird perched on a branch, and a small bird chirping at the bottom of it. Plum branches zigzag, ink brush tick, light ink brush, plum blossom from lead white dot dye, glittering and translucent get rid of. The sash birds and the small finches are detailed and meticulous, with the charm of the song of the northern song dynasty. 梅花图 清代 汪士慎 The plum flower diagram qing dynasty wang shishen 此画清淡秀雅,瘦劲姿媚,使我们看到了作者画梅的独特风格。金农曾评日:“巢林画繁枝,千花万蕊,管领冷香,俨然灞桥风雪中。”但我们看到作者遗存的梅花作品中,枝、花并不太繁,是以疏朗清瘦见长,给人一种疏影潇洒、冷香四溢的感觉,这幅《梅花图》便可作为佐证。 The painting is light and elegant, and it shows the unique style of the writer. The golden farmer once said: "the nest forest draws the branch, thousands of flowers, the tube leads the cold incense, like the baqiao snow." But we see the author remains in the works of the plum blossom, branches, flowers are not too numerous, is the shu lang thin, give a person a kind of thin film natural and unrestrained, the feeling of roasted 4 excessive, the "plum blossom figure" can be used as evidence. 春风香国图 清 汪士慎 Wang shishen of spring wind incense 此画以梅兰竹、牡丹为题。梅花清淡秀雅,以墨笔写干,稍加点染,曲折秀逸。墨线勾花,略罩淡粉,铅白点蕊,神清韵足;中锋撇写兰叶,转折有致,以朱砂点写花冠,淡墨点心,新颖不俗。牡丹花叶以淡墨润染,钩勒花瓣罩染轻粉,晕染有湿润清丽,水气空朦之感。 This painting is based on melanzhu and peony. The plum blossom is light and elegant, write dry with ink pen, slightly dyeing, twists and turns. Inkline hook flower, slightly shade of light powder, lead white point, god qingyun foot; Center, writing orchid leaves, turning point, writing the crown of zhu sand, light - ink dim sum, fresh and good. Peony flower leaf with light ink, crocheted petal cover with light powder, the feeling of moist, moist, air and air. 玉壶春色图 清代 金农 Jade pot spring color map qing dynasty golden peasants 图中取梅树老干一截,通贯画幅正中,顶天立地,布局奇绝,又以大笔铺枝,小笔勾瓣,繁枝密萼,穿插左右,枝干以饱含水分的淡墨挥写,浓墨点苔,更显出老梅凌寒的性格。“花光迷离,恍如晓雪之方开”。右侧上端有作者自题,乃知为追思五十年前,观元至大辛少府贡粉矮梅卷情事,凝想而作,款署:“荐举博学宏词杭郡金农画记,时年七十又五。”此为金农老年精心之作。 Figure of the plum tree and old dry, pass through the center of the picture, indomitable spirit, the layout is absolute, and spread to large and small disc and branches densely calyx, interspersed with left and right sides, branches with hydrated light ink start, thick ink moss, accentuated LaoMei cold ling's character. "The flower is blurred, like the square of xiaoxue." Author from the topic, is on the right side of the upper is known as memorial fifty years ago, guan yuan xin fu gong less powder short mei to the volume, characterized by, agency: "recommend erudite macro word" hangzhou county picture, at the age of seventy and five." This is a work of golden age. 《月下墨梅图》 清代 童钰 Yuyu, the qing dynasty 此图裁取梅树一角,老干苍劲,新枝挺发,繁花密萼,正反转侧,一片生机。枝干苍老古朴,花蕊挺劲清秀,运笔密而不乱,繁而不杂,墨气雄厚,一轮圆月,影照梅花,分外清逸。 This picture is to cut plum trees, old dry, fresh shoots, flowers and dense calyx, positive and backward, a life. The branches are old and old, and the flowers and stamens are strong and clear, and the pen is thick and not messy. The ink is abundant, the moon is full, and the shadow shines on the plum blossom. |
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