荷花象征 |
添加时间:2019/12/21 15:54:44 浏览次数: |
花色有白、粉、深红、淡紫或间色变化,素有“花中君子”之称,有品格高尚、纯净美好等寓意。莲花有并蒂同心者,为一蒂两花,且“莲”与“怜”谐音,是男女好合、夫妻恩爱的象征;莲花 多子,故可寄托多子多福的愿望,多子的莲蓬也象征着多多生子。国画中荷花有很多的不同寓意象征,周敦颐的《爱莲说》为我们塑造了一个出淤泥而不染,中通外直,不蔓不支的君子形象;“一品清廉”,“莲”通“廉”,荷花寓意公正廉洁,是对清官的赞扬;“本固枝荣”,荷花枝繁叶茂,用荷花丛生比喻根基牢固,兴旺发达,世代绵延,家道昌盛。 There are white, pink, crimson, lavender or other color changes in the design, known as the "gentleman in the flower", which means noble character, pure and beautiful. The lotus has two flowers, one for each, and "Lotus" and "pity" are homophonic, which is a symbol of the good union of men and women and the love of husband and wife; the lotus has many sons, so it can place the wish of many sons and many blessings on it, and the Lotus canopy of many sons also symbolizes many children. There are many different symbolic meanings of lotus in traditional Chinese painting. Zhou Dunyi's theory of loving lotus has shaped a gentleman image that comes out of mud without dyeing, straight in the middle and straight in the outside, and unbridled in the outside; "a pure and honest product", "Lotus" is a clean and honest one, which is a praise for honest officials; "the original is firm and the branches are prosperous", and lotus is full of branches and leaves, which is a metaphor of solid foundation and prosperous development Reach, generation after generation, family road is prosperous. |
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