书画|9位书画大家 酒之后留下了旷世名作 |
添加时间:2017/11/21 13:54:37 浏览次数: |
饮酒挥毫 落笔生辉 Drinking with brush strokes 我们素知酒是文学家、诗人的良师益友。 We know that wine is a good teacher and a teacher for writers and poets. 李白的“举杯邀明月,对影成三人”就有无酒不成诗的境界,其实酒文化与书画文化也是一脉相承的。书画家和许多文人诗人一样,酒同样给了他们许多突发的灵感和激情,饮酒挥毫,落笔生辉。 Li Bai's "toast to the moon, the film into three people," there is no wine, poetry realm, in fact, wine culture and painting culture is also the same strain. Many scholars and artists like the poet, wine also gave them a lot of sudden inspiration and passion, drinking with brush strokes. 许多书画家都在酒酣之时留下了旷世名作。 Many artists have left a masterpiece in the jiuhan. ▲「魏晋名士饮酒图」 The "literati drinking map" “每欲挥毫,必须酣饮” "For each brush, must drink" 吴道子 Zhangwu 有着“吴带当风”的画圣吴道子,常常“嗜酒且利赏,欣然而许”,乘酒后昂奋之际,始振其灵笔,他的大部分作品是在此种情况下完成的。唐明皇命吴道子画嘉陵江三百里山水的风景,能一日而就。只因酒兴大发,落笔恰到好处。 With "excellent drawing skills and elegant style" San Wu Daozi ", often drinking and reward, and gladly promise, take a drink high on the occasion, the spirit was vibration pen, most of his works are completed in this case. The emperor ordered Wu Daozi to draw three hundred in the Jialing River landscape scenery, can one day is. Because Jiuxing, write just perfect. ▲「吴道子 《嘉陵江三水三百里图》局部」 "" Wu Daozi "" three hundred miles of the Jialing River Sanshui local " “小白连浮三十杯,指尖浩气响春雷” "Even the white floating thirty cup, noble spring ring finger" 徐渭 Xu Wei 水墨大家徐渭亦喜酒,他把草书的宕荡奇肆线条和淋漓酣畅的水墨融会为一体,画面富于音乐美感的视觉形象。如《墨葡萄图》的笔斜风雨,藤蔓飞扬,浓淡相间的叶片,珠圆玉润的果实,无不统一于如痴如醉的情感旋律中。 You ink Xu Weiyi wedding, he put the Dang Dang odd wantonly cursive lines and ink mix dripping hearty as one picture, rich musical aesthetic visual image. Such as "ink pen" grape vine leaves slanting wind and rain, dust, white shades, the fruit are unified in the excellent singing or polished writing, great emotional melody. ▲「徐渭《墨葡萄图》北京故宫博物馆藏」 The "Xu Wei" ink grape map "hidden" the Imperial Palace Museum in Beijing “半生懒癖惟好酒” Half a lazy dog is good wine" 陈洪绶 Chen Hongshou 陈洪绶也特好酒,且尤好为女子作画。朱彝尊在《静志居诗话》中指出其在中年以后纵酒狎妓自放,有钱人拿了大把的银子恭敬地来求画,他都不予理睬。但只要有酒和女人,他自己都会找来笔墨作画,这正如毛奇龄所说:“莲游于酒人,所致金钱随手尽。” Chen Hongshou is also very good wine, and especially good for women painting. Zhu Yizun in "Jing Zhi Ju Shi Hua" in the drinking in middle age from prostitutes, rich people take a lot of money to ask respectfully, he ignored. But as long as there is wine and women, he himself will find pen and ink painting, this is just as Mao Qiling said: "Lotus swim in wine, people, money is readily available."." ▲「陈洪绶《蕉林酌酒图》天津博物馆藏」 The "Chen Hongshou" banana forest map "Tianjin Museum" pour wine “更书数十本,终不能及之” "More books, dozens of books, and ultimately can not."" 王羲之 most famous early calligrapher 书圣王羲之,其著名代表作《兰亭集序》便是他于绍兴兰亭喝酒时写就。笔兴随酒意而生,笔力随酒韵而成。顿然出现了一幅“遒媚劲健,绝代所无”的作品。全文三百余字中,即有“之”字十九个,但笔式各异笔韵不同,“千古极品”就在酒中问世了。 St. Wang Xizhi, the representative of the famous "Orchid Pavilion" is written in his Shaoxing Lanting Pavilion drink. The pen with the Xing tipsy born, and with the rhyme wine strokes. Suddenly appeared a piece of "Jian Qiu Mei, Marie no" works. The 300 words, namely "nineteen, but different pen pen rhyme," eternal King "appeared in the wine. ▲「王羲之《兰亭集序》」 "" Wang Xizhi "" Orchid Pavilion " “每大醉,呼叫狂走,乃下笔” "Every drunk, call go crazy, but you" 张旭 Zhang Xu 草圣张旭更是好喝酒,兴起之处,借着酒意当众表演狂草,呼叫狂走而后落笔,有时甚至用头发蘸墨当笔使,清醒后还认为是神来之笔,于是有其“挥毫落纸如云烟”的《古诗四帖》。时人称他的狂草为“醉墨”。 It is good to drink Zhang Xu Cao Sheng, the rise in Jiuyi public performance Kuangcao, call go crazy and then write, sometimes even using dip pen to make hair modang, conscious thought it was an inspired passage, so the "write and paint such as clouds" "four.". When the call for "show his cursive". ▲「张旭酒后草书《古诗四首》局部」 "Zhang Xu" drunk cursive "four ancient poems" local " “饮酒以养性,草书以畅志” "Drink to the nature of cursive Chang zhi" 怀素 Huai Su 怀素则是“每酒酣兴发,遇寺壁、里墙、衣裳、器皿,靡不书之”。如果有人想请他写字,就必须先请他喝上两盅,只要喝出感觉,灵感立马来了,整篇书法就能一气呵成。 有人问怀素写字秘诀,他竟以“醉”字作答。 Huai Su is "every Jiuhan temple wall, in the case of Xingfa, walls, clothes, utensils, doesn't book". If someone wants to ask him to write, you must first ask him to drink two cup to drink, as long as the feeling of inspiration immediately come, the calligraphy can go. Someone asked him to write the secret characters, the word "drunk". ▲「怀素《苦笋帖》现藏于上海博物馆」 The "" Huai Su Tie "bitter bamboo shoot is now in the possession of the Shanghai Museum “攘笔搦管,狂叫大呼” They hold pen tube, barking loudly" 朱耷 Chu 据《清朝艺苑》记载:明朝遗臣朱耷,往往于醉后挥毫。人们知其嗜酒,闻字画“皆得其醉后”,便“置酒招之”,将纸墨置于席边,待酒兴大发,他便开始泼墨,“洋洋洒洒,数十幅立就”,而“醒时,欲觅其片纸只字不可得,虽陈黄金万镒于前夕顾也!” According to "Qing Yiyuan" records: Ming Yi Chen Zhu Da, often drunk after brush. People know the smell of alcohol, and "all it drunk", "the wine strokes", ink and paper on the sides of the mat, to Jiuxing, he began to splash, "dozens of pieces of legislation is copious and fluent," and "wake up, I can't get it just a short note, although Chen gold on the eve of Wan Yi Gu also!" ▲「朱耷 作」 The "odd" “醉岂酒犹酒,老来狂更狂” "Wine is not wine, wine is old, but madness is worse."" 傅山 Fu Shan 傅山的书法有“清初第一写家”之称在长期的流寓生活中,除了书籍与笔墨之外,唯一不能离的就是酒了。自号“酒道人”、“酒肉道人”、“老蘖禅”。他在赠魏一鳌《莲老道兄北发,真率之言饯之》十二条屏书法作品中,这样评价酒:“酒也者,真醇之液也。真不容伪,醇不容糅。” Fu Shan's calligraphy "in early Qing Dynasty, the first writers" in the long term in life, in addition to books and painting, not only from the is wine. Call himself "Taoist wine" and "wine road" and "old tillers of zen". He was a Yiao "lotus elder brother Wei Road North, sincere words of the" Twelve screen "calligraphy works, commented:" wine is wine, alcohol solution is also true. It is not false, alcohol is not melted." ▲「傅山 书册」 The "Fu Shan books" “吃酒乃人生一大乐事,岂肯放过?” "Eat wine is a great pleasure in life, will he let go?" 启功 Qi Gong 当代书坛也不乏喜酒之人,书法大家启功先生就是其中之一。有一次启功应邀参加某品酒会。饮酒前他有言在先:“今天只喝酒,不写字。”谁知道,三杯酒下肚,老先生自己食言,灵感迸发,取过笔墨,挥毫写下一首诗:“一啜汤沟酿,千秋骨尚香。遥知东海客,日夜醉斯川。”写完后又继续饮酒,突然只见他站起来,自言自语道:“李白斗酒诗百篇,我还要为汤沟再题诗一首,于是又提笔写道:“嘉宾未饮已醰醰,况食天浆出灌南。今夕老饕欣一饱,不徒过瘾且疗馋。” There are wedding of contemporary calligraphy, calligraphy Mr. Qi Gong is one of them. Once invited to participate in a tasting of Qi gong. He said: "today before drinking alcohol, do not write." Who knows, three glasses of wine, the old man's own word, inspiration, take the pen and wrote a poem: "a sip of Tanggou wine, a bone is sweet. Yao Dong Haike, day and night drunk, sichuan." After continued drinking, he suddenly stood up, automatic speaking said: "Li Doujiu 100, I would like to re Tanggou a poem, he wrote:" I did not drink has rich rich guest, edible pulp Guannan day condition. I don't eat a glutton Hin, and fun and greedy therapy." ▲「启功 书法」 The "handwriting" 中国的画和书法,是世界上唯我独尊的民族艺术。书、画与酒亦如鱼之于水,诗酒交融,画酒一体,酒画共与。文人与酒,鱼水难分古来如此,令人深思。 Chinese painting and calligraphy, is a national art exclusive world. Books, paintings and wine are like fish to water, wine to wine, wine to drink, wine to paint and wine to drink. The literati and the wine, and was so ancient, thought-provoking. 这些文人书画家的形象,在酒后更加真实;他们的人格,也在酣醉中愈发高大。 These literati painting and calligraphy image, drink more real; their personality, also drunk in increasingly tall. 郭沫若说得好:当李白醉了的时候,是他最清醒的时候;而李白清醒的时候,则是他糊涂的时候。 Guo Moruo said well, when Li Bai was drunk, he was most sober; and when Li Bai was sober, he was confused. 其实,何止李太白? In fact, far more than Li Bai? |
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