山水画中的常见杂树穿插画法 |
添加时间:2017/9/11 14:10:37 浏览次数: |
1.用中号羊毫笔蘸浓墨,先勾勒出相互穿插的树干。 1. medium goat hair brush dipped in ink, first outline is alternated with the trunk. 2.为画面添加树干,注意其疏密关系及树的高低变化。 2. add trunk to the screen, pay attention to the relationship between density and height of the tree. 3.用点叶法点画树叶。要根据其生长结构布叶,注意墨的浓、淡、干、湿变化。 3. point leaves dotted leaves. According to the growth structure of cloth leaves, pay attention to the ink concentration, light, dry and wet changes. 4.继续勾画另一棵树的叶子,运笔要有轻有重,提笔要有飞白,表现出其飘逸之感。 The other 4. to sketch the leaves of a tree, the pen to a light weight, I have feibai, showing its elegant feeling. 5.用小号羊毫笔蘸浓墨,用较小的墨点画远处树的叶子。 5. with a small brush pen dipped in ink, with less ink stipple distant tree leaves. 6.勾画中间树的圆形叶子,要有错落的节奏变化。 6. sketch the round leaves of the middle tree, with a random rhythm change. 7.赭石加水调和,绘制树干,颜色要有变化,又不可画得太满。 7. ochre mixed with water, drawing the trunk, color change, and do not draw too full. 8.调和花青,为树叶染色,颜色的过渡要自然。 The 8. harmonic anthocyanin, leaves the transition to natural color staining. 9.最后用三绿色和藤黄色分别染出后面的树叶,使画面空间感更强。 9. finally, use three green and rattan yellow to dye the leaves behind, so that the screen more sense of space. |
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