中外名人艺术|彩墨徽韵——唐绍尧山水画新作赏析 |
添加时间:2017/9/4 17:18:17 浏览次数: |
唐绍尧 安徽含山人,中国美术家协会会员,文化部中外文化交流中心国韵文华书画院特聘画家、安徽省中国画学会理事。 Tang shao-yao is a member of the Chinese artists association of anhui, a member of the Chinese artists association and a special painter of the cultural exchange center of China and a member of the Chinese painting society of anhui province. 2016年 “慈心善行翰墨情”——名家书画慈善邀请展。 In 2016, "benevolence and benevolence of calligraphy and calligraphy" -- famous calligraphy and painting charity invitation exhibition. 2015年 “徽墨山水十五家”——2015安徽省中国画学会秋季沙龙展 艺海融通·中泰绘画艺术展 中欧艺术对话之旅暨中国书画斯洛伐克特展。 2015 "huizhou landscape 15" -- 2015 Chinese painting society of anhui province, autumn salon exhibition art hai rongtong · zhongtai painting art exhibition tour and Chinese calligraphy and painting Slovakia special exhibition. 2014年 彩墨徽韵——唐绍尧山水画展 北京皇城美术馆。 2014 color ink emblem rhyme -- tang shao-yao landscape painting exhibition Beijing imperial art museum. 2012年 《唐绍尧画集》上海人民美术出版社。 2012 "tang shao-yao", Shanghai people's fine arts publishing house. 2011年 第七届中国美协会员中国画精品展;文化部国韵文华书画院首届会员年展;传统风范中国画四条屏作品展;江山如画——上海陆俨少艺术院唐绍尧山水画精品展。 In 2011, the 7th China American association member China painting exhibition; The first annual exhibition of the first member of the ministry of culture of China; Traditional Chinese painting four screen works exhibition; Picturesque scenery of jiangshan - Shanghai lu yanyi art institute tang shao-yao art exhibition. 2010年 第六届中国美协会员中国画精品展;第16届亚运会“激情盛会翰墨流芳”全国中国画展。 In 2010, the sixth China American association member China painting exhibition; The 16th Asian games of the Asian games "the passionate gala calligraphy" national Chinese painting exhibition. 2009年 第五届中国美协会员中国画精品展。 In 2009, the fifth China American association member China painting exhibition. 2008年 相约长白山中国画名家邀请展;梦萦徽州当代中国画名家邀请展。 In 2008, the invitation exhibition of Chinese painting artists in changbai mountain; Dream in huizhou contemporary Chinese painting masters invitation exhibition. 2007年 《当代写意实力派画家 唐绍尧山水画新作选》 大连出版社。 2007 "contemporary freehand painter tang shao-yao" the new selection of the new works of dalian press. 2006年 第三届中国美协会员中国画精品展。 In 2006, the 3rd China American association member China painting exhibition. 2005年 百家金陵中国画展;第十六届国际造型艺术家协会美术特展;第二届中国美协会员中国画精品展 优秀奖。 In 2005, 100 jinling China paintings exhibition; The 16th international modeling artists association art exhibition; The 2nd China meimei member China painting exhibition excellence award. 2004年 首届中国美协会员中国画精品展;全国高等美术院校中国画名师展。 In 2004, the first China American association member China painting exhibition; The exhibition of Chinese painting masters of higher art institutions. 2003年 2003年全国中国画展 优秀奖。 2003 national China painting exhibition excellence award. 2002年 江苏省国画院特聘画家作品展。 In 2002, the exhibition of the artist's works in jiangsu provincial school of art. 2001年 应韩国安城文化院之邀,出访韩国幷举办书画交流展;第四届当代中国山水画名家作品展。 In 2001, I was invited by the cultural institute of ancheng, Korea, to visit South Korea and hold a book and painting exchange exhibition. The 4th contemporary Chinese landscape painting masters exhibition. 2000年 2000年全国中国画作品展;民族魂 国土情全国书画大展;《唐绍尧画集》 中国社会出版社、《唐绍尧彩墨画集》 香港新闻出版社。 Exhibition of Chinese painting in 2000, 2000; National soul land love national painting and painting exhibition; "Tang shao-yao's collection", Chinese social publishing house, tang shao-yao's painting collection, Hong Kong press publishing house. 1999年 新世纪全国书画精品展 优秀奖;世纪风情中国画大展 优秀奖;迎接新世纪当代中国画扇面展。 In 1999, the excellence award of the national calligraphy and painting exhibition of the new century; Century style Chinese painting exhibition excellence award; Welcome the exhibition of Chinese painting fans in the new century. 1997年 首届欧洲中国艺术大展 银奖。 The first European China art exhibition silver award in 1997. 1994年 第八届全国美展。 The 8th national fair in 1994. |
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