





Fan Chensheng, male, was admitted to the first studio of the Department of oil painting in Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2010. During the school, vice chairman of the student union, Minister of curatorial, and won the "three countryside" social practice advanced individual honorary title, two scholarships, "academic excellence, discipline competition" award and other awards.
Art History
1999 won the excellent prize for art, calligraphy and photography competition between Chinese and Japanese children
In 2003 began to learn western painting
2003 won the first prize in Xinxiang Youth Calligraphy and painting contest
2004 won the first prize of Henan Youth Calligraphy and painting competition
2005 won the first prize in Xinxiang Youth Calligraphy and painting contest
2010 进入天津美术学院造型艺术学院油画系第一工作室学习
2010 enter the first studio of the Department of oil painting in the school of plastic arts of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
2011 《素描全身像》被天津美术学院造型基础部收藏
2011 "sketch like a whole body" was collected by the Department of basic modeling of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
2011 《被冷落的静物》参加《马利艺术创作奖展》三等奖  天津美术学院美术馆
2011 "neglected still life" participated in the three prize of Marley prize for art creation, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum
2011 《被冷落的静物》《孤》《大卫》《白发老人》被私人收藏
2011 "desolate still life", "orphan", "David", "white haired old man" by private collection
2012 《静思》参加《凤凰画材奖学金展》一等奖  天津美术学院美术馆
2012 "in the" phoenix "meditation painting exhibition" Art Museum of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts first prize scholarship
2012 《走》系列 参加《温莎牛顿之星作品展》三等奖 天津美术学院美术馆
2012 "go" series in "third-prize Winsor & Newton Star Exhibition" Art Museum of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
2012 《静思》在嘉德四季第三十期拍卖参拍并成功拍卖
"2012" in the thirtieth period of meditation Guardian quarterly auction and auction
2012 《对话》《枯》参加《马利艺术创作奖展》三等奖 天津美术学院美术馆
2012 "dialogue", "withered" to participate in the "Marley prize for art creation", "three prize", Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum
2012 《45度的阳光》《沂蒙小调》《红房子》被私人收藏
2012, "45 degrees of sunshine", "Yimeng ditty", "red house" by private collection
2013 参加“芳草地画廊798 开幕展: Parkview Green Art 798,    Opening Exhibition: “能动的结构”——80后新一代年轻艺术家邀请展 ”。《对话》、《枯》、《浮夸》、《时间》、《微型世界》被画廊收藏。
2013 in the "fragrant grass Gallery 798 opening exhibition: Parkview Green Art 798 Opening Exhibition:" dynamic structure "-- 80 new generation of young artists exhibition". "Dialogue", "withered", "exaggeration", "time" and "miniature world" are collected by art gallery.
2013 《累》参加““相约·油画”2013’中国八大美术学院油画系优秀本科生纸上绘画作品展 ”,并被“相约·油画  2013‘  中国八大美术学院油画系教师论文与优秀本科生纸上绘画作品集”收录。
2013 "tired" to "meet - Painting" 2013 "China eight oil painting department of Academy of Fine Arts for outstanding undergraduate paper painting works exhibition", and "2013" - similar painting teacher Chinese eight oil painting department of Academy of Fine Arts with outstanding undergraduate painting works on paper collection included.
2014 《纯粹》入选“第十二届全国美展作品征选暨天津市美术作品展
2014 "pure" was selected in the Twelfth National Art Exhibition selection and Tianjin City Art Exhibition
” 天津美术馆
Tianjin Museum of Art
2015 《纯粹》、《纯粹》系列之黑与白、《对话》、《枯》 “举个栗子”在艺起项目十一人联展  北京 原君美术馆
2015 "pure", "pure" series of black and white, "dialogue" and "dry" "for example" in the art project eleven exhibition Beijing Art Museum Yuanjun
2016  《自由》系列 艺术南京 自·然——LAKE100签约艺术家联合展  南京 百家湖艺术公馆
2016, "freedom" series of art, Nanjing since then - LAKE100 signed artists, joint exhibition of Nanjing Lake Art residence
2016   《纯粹》、《纯粹》系列之黑与白  多元共存——新乡市首届当代油画邀请展 河南 藏佳画廊
2016, "pure" and "pure" series of "black" and "white coexistence" - the first exhibition of contemporary oil painting in Xinxiang, Henan Tibetan Art Gallery
2017  《纯粹》、《纯粹》系列之黑与白   厚重牧业—新乡市中青年油画精品展  河南  新乡老成民俗博物馆
2017 "pure", "pure" series of black and white heavy animal husbandry - Xinxiang City Youth Oil Painting Exhibition in Henan Xinxiang Old Folk Museum
Personal painting style features
The painting has experienced a long time of exploring and developing, also pay attention to oil painting from the object to the language of painting, from the emphasis on painting skills to pay attention to the painter's inner feelings from the combination of emotion and painter painting form stage. The expression way of painting a vase, a pottery, a painting and a lining is the same. To figure painting can make vivid vivid images, although still is still life, but as to the vivid". Life is still alive, exciting, like characters, able to convey feelings, dialogue with the viewer. It's not just like the shape, it's more important to have emotional involvement. The still life is not only static, but has life and quality. I think that depicts a still life shape accuracy is not important, it is important to depict its essential features, can be their own feelings into one, with the appropriate art showing feelings and inner beauty, the subjective emotion and objective perfect fusion. Facing the still life, careful observation and careful understanding, it is not difficult to find that each object has its own unique texture. For example, a dilapidated rusty copper pot and a delicate flower vase looks gorgeous, they give people the vision and feelings are very different, the dilapidated rusty pot to the plain and sense of the vicissitudes of life, and looks gorgeous flower vase to noble, exaggerated feeling, this is the vision intuitive feeling. But the meaning still should be combined with the painter's inner feelings by the artist given its consistent visual sense, dilapidated rusty brass like after the experience and frustrations of the poor, and the appearance of gorgeous vase like a rich lady feast. Not only are they in sharp contrast to the visual sense, but also in the sense of social phenomena.
When we face in today's society, in the face of nature, many things will impress us, let us feel, what impressed us? Is a social phenomenon today, all kinds of people and complex relationship. So I really like to use the theme of "still life" to express my inner feelings with realistic techniques, so as to express my opinions and opinions about today's society.
Now in the colorful world, like glass, like water and thoroughly clean people less, they are all outside interests, power, money and influence, become quite different, become deliberately plan is not so pure. I think this "creative" pure "this series of oil painting.
I choose the colorful geometric figures as the background, which fully integrates the dots, lines and planes into the background, and gives the visual impact of the triangle


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